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    Viruses have been used as tools for therapeutic applications and probes for understanding fundamental aspects of biological processes in cells.

The Institute for Molecular Virology (IMV) seeks to improve the health of the citizens of Minnesota through education, outreach, and research (basic, clinical, translational).  The IMV unites virus researchers from across the University of Minnesota in a strategic manner to enhance the mission and goals of the IMV.


  • Safe Campus Public Health Alert
  • Campus Public Health Officer Updates
  • UMN Global Programs and Strategy Alliance
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  • UMN's Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy Resource Center

Save the Dates!

Note on the 2023 IMV Symposium: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2023 IMV Symposium, scheduled for May 13th, 2023, is being re-configured into a 'virtual' symposium that will be focused on COVID-19, with the theme "Minnesota's Response to COVID-19". The hope is that this will be a broadly-based event, covering aspects related to pandemic preparedness, epidemiology and surveillance, clinical science, diagnostics, and basic research.

*** IMV Special Event: 'Minnesota's Response to COVID-19' ***
The 2023 IMV Symposium, scheduled for May 13th, 2023, is being re-configured into a 'virtual' symposium that will be focused on COVID-19, with the theme "Minnesota's Response to COVID-19". The hope is that this will be a broadly-based event, covering aspects related to pandemic preparedness, epidemiology and surveillance, clinical science, diagnostics, and basic research. 能上picacg的梯子

The 39th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Virology has been cancelled
For more information, see ASV 2023.

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Thursday evening, September 17th, and Friday, September 18th, 2023, at the Radisson Hotel in downtown La Crosse, Wisconsin.

About the IMV icon

Read about bacteriophage phi 29 and why it matters.

IMV Timeline

Explore nearly a century's worth of discovery in the field of virology at the University of Minnesota.


Listen to the This Week in Virology netcast from professor Vincent Racaniello.

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Impact of Virus Research on the Health Sciences: Nobel Laureates and the Nobel Prize

Research in the Spotlight

To highlight the work being done by IMV researchers, we regularly feature the efforts being made by one of our investigators. Read more to discover the advancements they are making in the area of virus research.